2025-26 Edge Tryout Protocol

2025-2026 Rochester Edge Girls Hockey Evaluation and Tryout Fact Sheet


Dates for tryouts for 2025-26 season teams:

  • Evaluations for 8u and 10u teams will be held on March 4th and 5th
  • Tryouts for 12u teams will be held on March 4h and 5th
    • If necessary, a 3rd evaluation day will be held on March 11th in order to fill remaining roster spots.
  • Tryouts for 14u and 16u teams will be held on April 8th and 9th
    • If necessary, a 3rd evaluation day will be held on April 15th in order to fill remaining roster spots.

All 2025-26 Tryouts will be held at the Tim Horton’s Iceplex.

Tryout Protocols

  • Players must be present for at least one of the two designated dates/times to be considered for placement onto a specific team roster. Exceptions to this rule due to extenuating circumstances can only be granted after prior notification of the coach and the approval of the Edge Board of Directors.
  • Player selections will be made by head and assistant coaches as well as at least one additional Edge coach who is not affiliated with their team.
  • Coaches will utilize a standardized form to objectively evaluate players across the domains of skating, stick handling, shooting, passing, body control, conditioning, work ethic, hockey sense, teamwork, discipline, and coachability. Evaluation scores will not be shared publicly or individually.
  • Where allowable by USA Hockey, players may try out for a team at a level above their birth year. In these circumstances, the player must be present for at least one day of tryouts for both To be assigned to the older age-group roster, the player must score within the top half of players (based upon the coaches’ evaluations) in that cohort. The ultimate roster assignment will be determined collaboratively between the two head coaches and the Hockey Director and communicated as outlined below.
  • Head Coaches will not be present on the ice during team tryouts and will not be available to discuss player selection until at least 24 hours after all tryout sessions are complete (see below).


Team Selections

  • Teams are not selected until tryouts and roster spots are not guaranteed based upon prior performance.
  • Final rosters will be posted to the Edge Website by 9:00 PM Friday after the second day of tryouts for each team. No player shall be notified of a roster position prior to this posting.
  • If a third evaluation date is deemed necessary, affected players will be notified via email by 9:00 pm on the second day of tryouts. Final rosters for those teams will be posted to the Edge Website at 9:00 pm on the third day of tryouts.
  • At the completion of tryouts, your child will be assigned to a roster. She may also be assigned as an alternate on a secondary roster within the organization.



  • A player who is not selected for their desired team will have the opportunity to formally discuss their tryout with that team’s coach(es) and the Hockey Director at a designated time after all tryouts are complete. To arrange for this, the player and her parents/guardians must contact the Edge Hockey Director (tom.wescott@getinge.com) in writing within one week of the posting of rosters.
    • Please note that the Edge will not provide players and their parents/guardians with specific evaluation scores, nor will any other player be discussed during that meeting. The Edge Representatives will, however, provide a general synopsis of the player’s tryout performance and opportunities for improvement.

Anticipated Teams for the 2025-2026 Season

8u (2017/2018,2019 Birth Year)

1 team (based upon current roster and players registered)

10u (2015/2016 Birth Year)

1-2 teams based upon current roster and players registered)

12u (2013/2014 Birth Year)

Tournament Bound Team

Non-tournament Bound Team

14u (2011/2012 Birth Year)

Tournament Bound Team

Non-tournament Bound Team

16u (2009/2010 Birth Year)

Tournament Bound Team

Non-tournament Bound Team


Based upon the final numbers of registrants at the 14u/16u levels, an additional Non-tournament Bound roster will be created to compete at the 16u level (consisting of both 14u and 16u players)